Scorpio New Moon 11/1/24
The Scorpio New Moon is exact on November 1st at 8:47am Eastern Standard Time. This moon is asking us to break free of the shackles we’ve put ourselves in with our limiting beliefs and to step into our power fully and authentically. This workbook is designed to help you do just that.
This New Moon is trine Saturn, the planet of responsibility and structure. This adds a tone of discipline and seriousness to it. There is also a Mars-Pluto opposition. These are the two ruling planets of Scorpio. Mars is the planet of energy, drive, war, and aggression. Pluto represents death and rebirth, transformation, power and change. Energy plus transformation equals powerful new beginnings. So this is a time of important and meaningful change in our lives. Where are you seeking change or growth in your life?
During this new moon in Scorpio, and the few days following, it is a perfect time to set intentions for the rebirth you want in your life. Transformation is calling you. Will you listen? Let your intuition guide you to the answers you’re searching for to align yourself with the goals, connection, relationships, abundance, and reality you’re seeking.
The Sun and Moon are both in the same sign, creating a harmonious energy between our conscious and unconscious mind. When the sun and moon are in alignment, we feel a connection with our conscious and unconscious desires. Scorpio, however, is a deep-feeling and passionate energy. It’s intense. Transformative. Lethal to old ways and behaviors. Scorpio wants to start fresh and clean by clearing out all the old stuff by absolute destruction and removal. Scorpio doesn’t stay somewhere in the middle, it’s all or nothing. Scorpio wants it all. So this energy right now is asking us to transform, to bring to the light the old, the dark, the unseen parts of ourselves and finally shed what is no longer serving us and to bring light to the hidden aspects of ourselves that make us who we are.
This energy is asking us to create, transform, and connect. Where are you feeling that you’re hiding a part of yourself or wearing a mask? Why are you hiding this part of yourself? For your protection or perceived judgements from others? This Scorpio energy is spicy. It’s not trying to make this easy and the last thing you want to be doing is pushing things back down that are trying to come up for you. Let them resurface. This is how you heal. This is how you grow. This is how you get into alignment with all of your conscious desires. There are a lot of other planetary energies in the works right now. Mars and Pluto, the ruling planets of Scorpio, are at a harsh opposition.
This is adding fire to the already transformative Scorpio New Moon energies. Saturn, the planet of karma, responsibility, and structure, is trine, making a positive aspect to, the sun and moon as well. This adds a serous tone to the mix. We’re feeling inclined to work, structure, plan, or be responsible in some way.