Saturn in Pisces: Navigating the Waters of Transformation

    Saturn had been in its last degree of Aquarius. Making it a time to reflect on the lessons we've learned and the growth we've achieved during Saturn's journey through Aquarius since March 2020.

   As Saturn prepares to move into a new zodiac sign, there can be a sense of anticipation and uncertainty about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. We may feel a sense of excitement, but also a sense of trepidation, as we prepare to navigate a new terrain of life lessons and growth opportunities.

   On March 7th, at 3:35am HST/ 5:35am PST, Saturn moves out of Aquarius into PiscesWhen Saturn moves into Pisces, we can expect to experience a shift in focus towards our emotional and spiritual growth. Pisces is a water sign that's associated with intuition, creativity, and compassion. Saturn is the planet of discipline, responsibility, structure, and karma. With Saturn in Pisces, we can expect to be challenged to create healthier boundaries, connect with our emotions and tap into our spiritual selves, even if it may be uncomfortable or unfamiliar.

    This period can also bring a heightened sense of sensitivity and compassion for others, encouraging us to be more empathetic and understanding in our interactions. However, it may also bring challenges related to boundaries and emotional overwhelm, as we navigate the deep waters of our inner selves.


Saturn Transit through the houses:

 Aries Rising or Transit your 12th House:

Confront unresolved psychological issues/unhealed trauma. Explore spiritual practices. Connect to something bigger than self. Facing your fears. If you put in the work, this will result in greater self awareness, personal growth, and spiritual connection.

Taurus Rising or Transit your 11th House: 

Re-evaluate connections and networks, establishing new relationships that support your goals. Let go of certain friendships or associations that are no longer supporting your highest good. This will result in developed skills for ahcieving aspirations and stronger more supportive friendships and community.

Gemini Rising or Transit your 10th House:

Career changes or restructuring. Hard work and dedication in establishing oneself in current career. Addressing unresolved issues or challenges in work. Establish positive public image. This will result in greater fulfillment and success in career.

Cancer Rising or Transit your 9th House:

Confront limiting beliefs and attitudes. Develop a more expansive and open-minded approach to life. Address any limitations or obstacles that may be preventing the pursuit of your goals. This will result in a more fulfilling and positive life outlook.

Leo Rising or Transit your 8th House:

Establish a solid financial foundation. Shared resources, taxes, and debit might be of focus. Confront any issues around intimacy, vulnerability, trust, and power dynamics. This will result in greater financial security and fulfillment in intimate relationships.

Virgo Rising or Transit your 7th House:

Confront any relationship issues or challenges. Establish healthier boundaries and address issues around co-dependency or unhealthy attachments. This will result in more fulfilling partnerships and long term relationships.

 Libra Rising or Transit your 6th House:

Establish healthier routines and habits. Confront any issues related to procrastination or avoidance. Focus on responsibility and accountability in work and daily life. This will result in greater productivity and success in work and fulfillment in your daily life. 

Scorpio Rising or Transit your 5th House: 

Overcoming creative blocks. Confront issues around self expression. Healing inner child or issues around responsibility with children. Establish more discipline in romantic dynamics and leisure activities. This will result in greater fulfillment in creative expression, playfulness, and romantic relationships.

Sagittarius or Transit your 4th House: 

Challenges related to living situation, family dynamics, or emotional security. Confront issues related to your past or family. Establish more discipline and structure in home life. This will result in more emotional stability and security as well as more security in your living situation.

Capricorn Rising or Transit your 3rd House:

Challenges in effective communication. Focus on responsibility and accountability in communication and relationship with others. Issues related to siblings, neighbors, and local community. This will result in greater effectiveness and efficiency in interactions and communication with others.

Aquarius Rising or Transit your 2nd House:

Focus on your financial situation and self worth. Challenges related to income, savings, or possessions. Responsibility and accountability in managing your finances and your personal values. This will result in greater financial stability, security, and developed self worth.

Pisces Rising or Transit your 1st House:

Focus on identity and sense of self. Challenges related to self image, self-esteem, or confidence. Focus on responsibility and accountability in your goals and ambitions as well as general self developement. Address any issues related to your body or wellbeing. This will result in greater confidence in one's self image, goals, and personal growth.


     For those with their natal Saturn in Pisces, Saturn was in Pisces when you were born, you will be experiencing your Saturn return.

    Saturn return is a significant astrological event that occurs when Saturn completes one full orbit around the Sun and returns to the same position it was in at the time of a person's birth. This typically happens around the ages of 27-30, and again at 57-60. The Saturn return marks a time of transition and self-reflection, where we may experience a sense of restlessness, confusion, and uncertainty. This is a time when we are asked to take stock of our lives, evaluate our past choices and experiences, and make necessary changes to align with our true purpose and direction.

    During a Saturn return, we may feel a sense of pressure or anxiety as we confront the reality of our lives and the challenges we face. This can be a time of difficult decisions, endings, and new beginnings. However, it is also a time of great potential for growth and transformation. The Saturn return can help us develop a greater sense of self-awareness, self-discipline, and responsibility, and can ultimately lead to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in our lives. It is a time to embrace change, let go of old patterns and beliefs, and pave the way for a brighter future.

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